Many people don't realize that traffic citations can have more severe implications than points on their driver's license and fines. Even one ticket can result in significantly higher insurance premiums. Depending upon the charge, you may also face jail, traffic school, and license suspension.
The good news is that if you have a traffic ticket you are dealing with, you may be able to save your driving record and avoid higher insurance rates by fighting the ticket (even if you have already plead guilty to the charge). In most of these types of cases, our lawyers are able to negotiate a plea with the prosecutor that results in zero points and no report of the ticket being sent to the Missouri Director of Revenue and being placed on your permanent record. By investing your time and retaining an experienced criminal defense lawyer to contest your traffic ticket, you may save your driving record and avoid skyrocketing insurance premiums. Call to schedule your free consultation today.
Do you have questions or do you want to make an appointment in this area?
Call us at 816 792-3529 or use our contact form.